Cacao en Polvo


Este polvo de cacao natural es justamente eso, 100% cacao. Compramos los granos directamente de uno de nuestros productores favoritos de cacao de Costa Rica, Daniel South, de Limón. Luego, el cacao se tuesta utilizando un perfil de baja temperatura y se muele para separar la mantequilla de cacao. No está alcalinizado, a diferencia de muchos cacao en polvo comerciales, lo que significa que se conservan los beneficios naturales para la salud que provee el cacao. El resultado es un polvo increíblemente intenso y aromático, un versátil ingrediente base en cualquier cocina. Se puede agregar a batidos, recetas para hornear, chocolate caliente y más.

Peso: 165g & 500g


Correos de Costa Rica: $8 standard rate.  (Large orders may incur a higher shipping rate which will be calculated during confirmation process.)

We only ship Monday-Wednesday to avoid possible hold-ups in transit over the weekends since chocolate is heat sensitive.  We ship orders with insulated material as protection from heat and to help ensure that your chocolate products arrive in great condition,  however, we are not responsible in the case of melting or for post office errors or delays. 

Two Little Monkeys Chocolate wants to ensure that our chocolate arrives to you in great condition. Two Little Monkeys does not offer refunds or returns unless the product(s) were received in damaged condition. In that case you will have up to 5 days from the date of receipt to email us a photo and explanation of the damage, at which time we will decide whether the damage warrants a replacement of the product(s).  Delivery time is not guaranteed, and we are not responsible in the case of melting or for post office errors or delays.


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